Day 9 - Betty's Bay

Lazy start today but wandered round the town after breakfast and picked up a few things from the market and watched for whales from the quayside. We knew they were there from the flattening of the water and a couple of spouts were blown but sadly they didn't perform for us although it was quite exciting to nearly get a sighting! We are easily pleased!
We checked out and set off for Betty's Bay where we had been told there was a penguin colony. The drive along the coast was spectacular and we stopped constantly to check for whales, still no luck but when we arrived at the penguin reserve we were rewarded with lots of birds and spent a while watching and taking photos before setting off once more for Cape Town.
For the first time since we have been in SA the traffic became busy and almost traffic jam style the nearer we got to the city and trying to follow the google maps directions was near on impossible. Several wrong turnings and corrections and after a bit of guesswork we eventually found our way to the waterfront and our hotel, The Queen Victoria, and a lovely meet and greet by the staff.
We ventured out to explore the waterfront and spent a couple of hours in the Harbour House bar overlooking the water, even tho the staff were all getting very twitchy about the impending storm and cleared away all the awnings and umbrellas just in case! They need to experience some British weather. Having said that the wind got up around 10pm and things became worse and worse until 4.30 in the morning when I woke to thunder and lightening, whistling wind and rain lashed windows. A real humdinger, meeting all their predictions. Very unsettled sleep after that.
