Day 7 - Last day at Plett

Bit of a slow start this morning, the weather is nowhere near as warm as we have been used to and it had rained overnight. Nevertheless we set off with a full day planned and first on the list was Kreulbooms beach which apparently had an amazing restaurant (Enrico's) overhanging the sea! Well I am sure it is delightful but it was shut and Enrico and his staff were all on their holidays for two months!
Next stop, Knysna, recommended for its beautiful lagoon, trendy shops and restaurants - I could probably have spent quite a while browsing the shops but not really Jon's cup of tea and it was way too cold to sit and admire the lagoon whilst sipping a cup of overpriced coffee so we were soon back on the road.  Jon deciding to off road a bit and just follow his nose, which actually paid off and we ended up at Buffels Bay spending a pleasant hour outside in the sun with a couple of pints watching surfers battle the waves. His next venture into the unknown took us miles down a dusty track in search of an old goldmine and didn't end well as that was also another 4 hour trek up a mountain from the car park! We gave up on the exploring and decided to spend some time at the local monkey sanctuary where a lovely guide walked us through the forest and talked about all the different species we were seeing and how they had come to be there. Monkeys are very entertaining and quite photogenic!
We ended up in a German restaurant for dinner, mainly because it was the only place open on a Sunday night in Plett (we now use the locals' nickname for Plettenberg, by the way)! Enough said.....


  1. omg so jealous. im sat alone in a south african hotel bar nursing a merlot considering another mammoth day tomorrow. enjoy! cheers. xx


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