Day 6 - Plettenberg Bay

We are the only people here today! Breakfast was fantastic and they also had marmite so I'm a happy bunny!
It's very warm so we set off early to go to Storms River Mouth, about an hour away with a fabulous beach at the entrance to a massive gorge.
On arrival we quickly discovered that you could walk round the 'mountain' and cross the river via suspension bridge, so off we went! After many, many steps up and down and the continual stopping for photo-taking Indian tourists who all had to pose with each other at every opportunity we reached the bridge. More photo opportunities for each and every couple and the guys who thought it hilarious to jump up and down in order to wobble the bridge! They left - we stayed! The views were amazing and we discovered a group of small animals called Dassies on the hillside who seem quite tame and apparently have the elephant as their nearest relative ( I couldn't quite see it myself but am assured it's true). By now it was very hot, neither if us had any water and we only just made it to the beach bar before dehydration set in! On our way back we called in at Old Nicks Craft centre and checked out the local artisans products, some really lovely things but bringing them home might have been a bit tricky so we just admired everything and left.  Decided to drive down to Robberg nature reserve where we had heard there was a seal colony. This was true but turned out to also require a 2.5 hour trek from the car park to see them - we passed on that one and went in search of some food.  We revisited Moby's on the beach and had a lovely meal which was the perfect ending to a great day!


  1. photos awesone mum but disappointed no seals.. gotta suffer for your art remember! xx

    1. We would have but it was 4pm by then and the reserve closed at 5.30! Still chasing seals but weather been too bad for boats to take us to the island! xxx


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