Day 5 - Last day at the Reserve

Rory and Maria were both not feeling well enough to join our last drive so Jon and I set off on our own with Brendon in a last ditch attempt to find some hippo. On our way we saw a lovely little herd of zebra crossing the stream and finally after scrambling down a precariously steep and dodgy river bank there were 3 hippo just basking in the water. Not my finest five minutes of photography as they only pop half their heads out and then dive back down but at least they were found!!
We returned for breakfast and said our goodbyes, a very sad event as we have so enjoyed the whole experience, and Brendon took us back up to reception where our driver was waiting to take us back to Port Elizabeth.
Collected the hire car, a Toyota Quest, at the airport rental and set of for Plettenberg Bay, our home for the next 3 days.
Arrived at Lairds Lodge Country Estate and were greeted with welcome drinks and showing to our room which is lovely but the minibar was empty (we had been used to a full free minibar at the reserve) and we only had one choice for an evening meal! We opted to go out!
Found a great bar/restaurant right on the beach and with Wifi that actually works! Yay!
On our return we found that our bed had been turned down with cute fluffy hot water bottles in place and a chocolate each on the pillow, aahhh! Night Night!
