Day 3 - Our 20th Anniversary

Mad start to the day! Phone rang at what I thought was 6am only to be told it was 7am and Brendon was outside waiting in the Land Cruiser to start the morning game drive! Massive panic and rushing round and we were outside in under 5 mins. Major embarrassment but everyone was cool, and we set off.
Again an amazing safari, a lone Bull elephant drinking by the lake, 3 Lioness lazing under a tree looking full from a kill we were told, white rhino (Jon's favourite) giraffe (my favourite) zebra, wildebeest, warthog and many different 'deer/antelope' style animals although Brendon has forbidden us using the word deer in his presence!
Again, on our return, we were greeted with hot towels and drinks before heading in for breakfast, after which we shared some 'bubbly' with Maria and Rory to celebrate our anniversary. A fab start!
Jon and I sat by the pool enjoying the sunshine and being plied with drinks by the lovely staff, a really indulgent way to spend time before lunch!
The afternoon drive produced a viewing of 4 Hippo lazing around in the river, one huge male giraffe all alone who we almost collided with he was so close and a fight between two warthogs!
Sundowners again up on the hill but it was much colder than the previous night so we soon headed back.
This will certainly be an anniversary to remember!
