Day 16 - Back to Hermanus

Morag and Clive had suggested that we all go back to Hermanus to see if we could spot any whales before Jon and I returned home so that was the plan for today. We packed everything up and were ready for when Ollie and Charlotte arrived as they were also going to Hermanus and would follow us in their car. The weather by now had really deteriated and driving over the mountains was a slow process due to poor visibility but Clive did a great job and soon we were heading towards blue sky and the temperature steadily increased as we neared Hermanus.
Sadly our expectations of joining a boat trip in search of whales was shortlived as we were informed that all boats were not attempting any trips at the moment due to the bad weather! This bad weather has apparently also scared the whales into hiding too as very few have been seen in the last week so we are out of luck this time.
We said goodbye to Ollie and Charlotte and went for some lunch at Cocos overlooking the bay, followed by a wander round the town before heading back to the hotel and a few drinks on the balcony.
Hoping the weather will improve a bit tomorrow as we start our journey back to Cape Town and our flight home.
