Day 15 - The Wine Trail

Quick breakfast to line our stomachs and we were off down to the village to catch the wine tram at 10.15 to the vineyards in Franschhoek. We could do 6 winery's and have at least 4 different wines to taste at each stop, we were quite merry after number one and boarded the tram for the next stop which happened to be Richard Branson's and were joined by Ollie and Charlotte, a young couple from Winchester. Beautiful tasting area and restaurant and we necked, sorry sipped a few of Richard's best before heading off for number 3 which was my favourite tasting because it was sparkling wine pitched against champagne and we had some food to assist with the digestion, hic!
Number 4 on the list actually is a bit of a blur but we did meet up with another young couple, Jade and Mark, from Wales, who we had seen originally at the previous vineyard taking photos with a drone, are you still with me? By now the last place on our list has faded into insignificance as we were having such a good time with our new chums and found ourselves back in the village having yet another tasting at Tuk Tuk's bar before parting company and heading off to find food ( desperately needed to soak up some of the wine). I believe it was pizza and I am sure it was delicious but we were all way past tired so by the time we got back to the house we were all ready to sleep! Fantastic day and made some new friends, of which two are going to Hermanus with us tomorrow.
