Day 11 - Table Mountain

Woke up this morning to the news that we might have a hung parliament in the U.K. election so went out for the day to forget any issues at home!
Turned out that Table Mountain cable car was running so we detoured and went up! The sun was out when we stepped into the cable car but 3 minutes later our arrival at the top was greeted by a 5 minute hailstorm! WTF it was bloody freezing up there! Bravely we soldiered on taking photos of cloud covered mountains and the occasional bright view down the mountain until we reached the cafe at the top and settled for some warming drinks, sadly short lived when Jon split his cappuccino in spectacular style on arrival at the table! Despite all of this we wouldn't have missed the trip for the world, there is a totally amazing view of Cape Town and all its surrounding 360 degrees and we loved it! (and Jon has the table mountain fleece to prove it!). We descended after an hour or so amidst others who were all as in awe as we were.
We then continued a trip to Cape Point ( the original plan) via Simonstown where we had a liquid refreshment at the local hostelry on the beach and a quick visit to Boulders to see the penguins, and on to the Cape of Good Hope where the two oceans (Indian an Atlantic) meet. Plenty of Ostriches down there too!
We returned to our hotel, via the Bo-Kaap district in Cape Town where we enjoyed the vibrant and quirky coloured houses that are famous in that area, before a much needed cocktail and dinner on the waterfront. A very enjoyable day.
