
Showing posts from May, 2017

Day 1 - Arrival in Port Elizabeth

Good flight, OK films, little sleep, but arrived in Johannesburg at 8am which was only an hour later than scheduled. Our rep, Presta, was waiting for us and whisked us through the airport like a couple of celebrities, passed all the queues and through to our transfer gate in a matter of minutes! Amazing service. Finally arrived in Port Elizabeth at lunch time where a driver was waiting to take us to Carslogie House, our first overnight stay. Our host, Christine, was delightful and showed us to a fab little chalet beside the pool where we quickly settled in for the afternoon. Needless to say we both promptly fell asleep for a good 3 hours! Christine had booked us a table at the De Kelder restaurant about 10mins walk along the coast road and we were not disappointed, we had the best fillet steak we have had in a long time, couldn't fault it and about third of price of UK. Yippee!

Day of Departure

Checking Heathrow information every half an hour but reportedly our plane is scheduled to arrive on time, so good news for us! That was until 5 mins before we were leaving and the new report was that no one was being allowed into T5 until 90mins before take off! We were on target to be there 3 hours before our flight! Thankfully our friend and driver was able to take a detour to a nearby pub and we wasted a while there! We sailed through check in, waited at boarding gate while they found some crew and a pilot, sat on the plane for an hour whilst they tracked a few passengers and had a "medical issue" and finally took off at 8pm. Given all the major problems that BA had suffered the previous day I think we got off lightly and we are grateful for that! Holiday beginning, bring it on!

At last

Good news- we are packed! Bad news - British Airways having major computer problems! Fingers crossed.

Still Counting

2 days to go, things to do list getting longer not shorter! Still no packing, but piles of clothes etc. now taking over every available space! The good news is our lovely friend Bob has offered to take us to Heathrow. What a star!

Counting Down

3 days to go, still creating lists and trying to make decisions about what to take! Need to seriously get my head round this!